How many products can you shoot? 

It's difficult to define this product's versatility precisely, as it depends on the level of styling required and your specific requirements. Therefore, please provide as much information as possible when enquiring so I can give you an estimate. You can click HERE and select either product or stop-motion.

Generally, styling a single product takes around 15-40 minutes, but this time can vary greatly depending on your styling preferences and the props required. If you need multiple sets styled, it's important to note that roughly five sets can be styled in half a day, while ten sets can be styled in a full day. However, this is just a guide, and I encourage you to contact me to chat about your specific requirements.

What’s included in the session? 

The session consists of three stages: preparation, the photoshoot, and post-production. Additionally, I also provide retouching services to enhance the final output.

Booking and Payment: 

When booking a session with Krisztian Sipos Photography, the Customer agrees to pay a 50% booking fee to secure the date and time of the shoot. The remaining balance is due on the day of the session. No photos will be processed until the full balance is paid.

Do I need to provide props and backgrounds? 

Please bring or send more items than what is actually required. This way, I can determine the best options for your brand. Your mood board will help you decide what props to get. You may be surprised to find many suitable things in your home or office, such as pieces of cloth, wooden boards, glitter, feathers, and so on.


Will you send the items/props back? 

I’ll return it in the same packaging as soon as possible after the shoot. You may collect it, or I will invoice you for the cost.

How do we receive the images?  ​

All high-resolution jpegs via WeTransfer link or my gallery.